작성일 : 15-08-11 21:37
세라 신부님 시성 미사에 참석할 티켓 신청
 글쓴이 : 관리자
조회 : 1,631  
9월 23일 워싱턴 원죄없이 잉태되신 성모 마리아 대성당에서 있을 세라 신부님 시성 미사에 참석할 티켓을 교구에서 추첨에 의해 뽑는다고 합니다.
60명을 다음 주 화요일에 뽑는데 월요일(8/17)까지 접수해야 한다고 합니다

다음은 원문 입니다


To: Pastors, Parochial Administrators, Parochial Vicars, Deacons

From: Kathy Conner, Chancellor

Date: 08/11/15

Re: Lottery for Papal Mass Tickets

Bishop Soto is being given 100 tickets for the Papal Mass on September 23rd where Pope Francis will canonize Blessed Junipero Serra. This will be an outdoor Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. at 4:15pm.

Distribution of the tickets will be as follows:

1. St. Francis High School, St. Francis Parish in Sacramento, St. Francis Parish in Burney and St. Clare Parish in Roseville will each receive 10 tickets.

2. The other 60 tickets will be given out through a lottery in sets of two. Each name drawn will receive two tickets. It is important to note that tickets are ONLY entrance to the Mass. The costs and booking of airfare and hotel are up to each individual.

The lottery will work as follows:

1. Any parishioner interested should turn their name with contact information into their pastor.

2. Pastor or his delegate will submit names to Joann Horta by fax (916) 733-0215 or email jhorta@scd.org. Pastors choosing to have a delegate submit names are to directly notify Joann of the name of their delegate.

3. Deadline for names to be submitted is 5pm Monday, August 17th.

4. The lottery will be held on Tuesday, August 18th.

We apologize for the quick turn around on this. We just received confirmation of these tickets

kepha 15-08-13 21:26
참고로 주니페로 세라 신부님은 프란치스코회 수사 신부님이시며
캘리포니아에 21개의 미션이 있는데 이 미션들을 세우신 신부님 입니다.
우리가 많이 가보는 카멜의 미숀을 포함해 산타 바바라.산호세.샌프란시스코등이
천주교 전교중에 너무 많은 원주민을 살상하여 미루어져 왓슴니다.
kepha 15-08-13 21:28
이제 성인 품위로 올린다 하시니. ..

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